TU Delft and Copernicus Publications cooperate in supporting open access

In order to further promote open access, the TU Delft Library has transferred a budget to Copernicus to make open-access publishing even easier for its scientists in 2015.
The budget will be utilized for papers by authors associated with TU Delft for which article processing charges apply. Thereby, the authors no longer have to worry about financial matters themselves.
“We believe that all stakeholders will benefit if knowledge flows freely. That is why we strongly support open-access publishing”, says Wilma van Wezenbeek, director of TU Delft Library.
Xenia van Edig, Business Development Manager at Copernicus Publications welcomes this new cooperation: “We have been collaborating with departments institutes at the TU Delft on individual journals for several years now. It is exciting that the TU Delft Library is now also actively supporting publications in all of our open-access journals.”
The contract became effective on 1 January 2015 and covers article processing charges for papers of TU Delft scientists that are not funded by third parties. The budget will be expended on a first-come, first-served basis upon publication of the paper until the budget has been exhausted.
Just de Leeuwe (TU Delft) and Xenia van Edig (Copernicus Publications)
More information on financial support.
Contact Media and Communications.